Together with Government initiatives to improve the sanitary situation at Muri to date almost 100 Biolytix tanks are in operation on Rarotonga all helping to minimise the threat of lagoon contamination.
It’s why at WaterFlow we don’t just focus solely on the treatment system like others do. We consider your vision for your property first and then find the LAS that will achieve this and finally the wastewater treatment system that will match and meet your needs.
Your LAS or ‘Disposal Field’ has the largest ‘footprint’ of all of the components and is the ‘subject’ of most Council regulations, involving ‘setback’ distances from features like buildings, waterways, flowpaths, stormwater drains, ponds/dams, bores, ground water/water tables, flood zones, boundaries etc… There is also requirements around steepness of slopes to consider which can have a bearing on which LAS you can get consented, on your site, such as irrigation type fields verses soakage type fields.
The Waterflow Team is well versed in all those constraints and options and very passionate about helping you design the ultimate LAS for your property.