NaturalFlow at home

Is NaturalFlow a good system for Home Sewage Treatment?

Domestic Sewage and Wastewater Treatment Systems

NaturalFlow offers power-free, completely sustainable sewage and wastewater treatment systems for rural homes.

Ground-breaking Home Sewage Treatment Systems

NaturalFlow brings an innovative solution to common issues in home sewage systems. Treating grey water and black water separately, sewage treatment is ingeniously simplified, resulting in a quiet, odourless and smooth-running system.

From primary to secondary treatment, our home sewage systems are built to suit the requirements of your site and give you years of optimal performance with very little maintenance. Operating with power-free treatment processes, the NaturalFlow system can give you great savings from day one. Installation is available nationwide, and you can count on our team to deliver quality support on time, every time.

The NaturalFlow Difference

Aptly named, the NaturalFlow System harnesses free, natural processes to treat domestic sewage and wastewater. An enclosed ecosystem that mimics the forest floor is established to treat your wastewater until it is ready to be returned safely into the soil and environment.

Simply, the NaturalFlow system harnesses and utilises what has been proven effective in composting and decomposition over thousands of years: nature.

How It Works

NaturalFlow combines vermiculture with other natural settling processes to treat black water (from toilets and kitchens) and grey water (from showers and laundries). Depending on your wastewater disposal system, you can opt to have plants in your disposal field.

With the NaturalFlow system, the black water is separated from the grey water at its source, so there is no emulsifying of the solids with the bulk of the wastewater. Through this separation, the wastewater treatment process is greatly simplified and you convert solid waste into fertiliser. You can also have grey water re-use for non-potable uses.

With NaturalFlow, you have a home sewage treatment system that operates quietly and cost-effectively. Designing complete solutions, NaturalFlow can provide your home with a bespoke wastewater treatment system.

WaterFlow NZ Ltd.


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