Passive Wastewater Treatment System

NaturalFlow brings you truly passive wastewater treatment systems. For owners, this means long-term treatment options, minimal costs and minimal supervision.

Replicating nature’s biological purification processes, NaturalFlow is a free and eco-friendly way to treat wastewater. As the system utilises vermiculture, it greatly improves an area’s soil structure.

What are passive treatment systems?

Passive water treatment systems do not have an external power source, have no perceptible operation and do not require chemical reagents to conduct treatment.

Passive treatment systems are generally considered for storm water runoff, low pollutant runoff and acid drainage seepage. But with systems like NaturalFlow, passive treatment can be as effective with black water (from toilets and kitchen).

Why use a passive system when there are active systems?

When it comes to rural sewage systems, passive is superior to active. Why? An active system requires energy to elevate, distribute and treat wastewater. In most cases, the energy source is electricity. Active systems also have moving mechanical parts.

For property owners, this means:

  • Higher installation and operation costs
  • More complex maintenance required
  • Higher risk of damaged components

Beyond the advantages of passive systems over active systems, NaturalFlow also provides the following benefits:

  • Quiet biosystem

          With no pumps and aerators, NaturalFlow treats your water without any noise.

  • Eco-sustainable

          Treating water just like nature does, no external energy or harmful chemicals are used.

  • The choice for difficult sites

          Some sites are difficult for other systems but NaturalFlow thrives on them. Whether your site is steep or difficult to access, NaturalFlow can fit and works efficiently.

Truly passive treatment systems

Many companies adopt the term passive treatment, but only a few offer real passive systems – and none are like NaturalFlow.

NaturalFlow offers a sewage and wastewater treatment that operates with zero electricity and has no mechanical operating component. Its system is cleverly designed to lead waters to their appropriate treatment route and purify them enough to be reintroduced to nature.

Our systems do not use reticulating pumps or aerators. Using trickle filtration and vermiculture, NaturalFlow treats wastewater like how the forest floor breaks down solids to fertilising substances. 

Passive, not Inactive

NaturalFlow and septic tanks are both passive systems but NaturalFlow gives one clear advantage. Unlike the septic tank that simply acts a settlement chamber, NaturalFlow treats wastewater. NaturalFlow doesn’t sit and accumulate waste, waiting for future removal. The system continuously treats waste daily.

It all starts with your site

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Your site and dispersal field have the biggest say in which system will work best for you. Let our team take a look, either on site or via aerial mapping, and we can help you find a solution that works for you.

WaterFlow NZ Ltd.


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